
December 31, 2009
From Pastor Fred
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Guam United Methodist Church

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December 31, 2009                     Watch Night Service                        8:00 p.m.       


Prelude                                                                                                         Joel Dizon

- A time for quiet meditation as people gather to worship

- Think and know that God is in our midst                    

Words Of Welcome

+ Call to Worship (Responsively)                                                  Debbie Wise

Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.

From everlasting to everlasting You are God.

+ Opening Hymn              “O God, Our Help in Ages Past”                       UHM #117

+ Congregational Prayer                                                                                              

      Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known,

      and from whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our

      hearts by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly

      love You, and worthily magnify Your holy name; through Christ

      our Lord. Amen. (followed by the Lord’s Prayer), Our Father…

Thanksgiving                                                                                           Responsively

      Let us give thanks to God for God’s manifold mercies… 

      O God, the fountain of all goodness, who has been gracious to us through

      all the years of our life: We give You thanks for Your loving kindness which

      has filled our days and brought us to this time and place.

      We praise Your holy name, O Lord.

      You have given us life and reason, and set us in a world which is full of

      Your glory. You have comforted us with kindred and friends, and ministered

      to us through the hands and minds of our Guam community.

      We praise Your holy name, O Lord.

      You have remembered when we have forgotten You, followed us even when

      we fled from You, met us with forgiveness when we turned back to You.

      For all Your long-suffering and the abundance of Your grace,

      We praise Your holy name, O Lord. Amen.





+ Gloria Patri

We Listen To God’s Word                                                                       Debbie Wise

       Hebrew Bible: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13

       Christian New Testament: 

              Revelation 21:1-6a

              Matthew 25:31-46

Message                                                                                                    Debbie Wise

Hymn                                             “Hymn of Promise”                             UMH #707

Offertory Sentence

       Our service to God requires us to be able to move in concert with God’s

       call at a moment’s notice. Let us move out of complacency and give.


Offertory                                                                                                      Joel Dizon

Offertory Prayer                                                                                       Debbie Wise

+ Closing Hymn                  “Let There Be Peace on Earth”                     UMH #431

(a moment to share lighted candles to everyone symbolizing

our collective desire for peace in a darkened world)

+ Community Benediction

       God has  blessed us through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, our Savior.

       As we face the new year, let us go with that blessing to spread the good

       news of love, reconciliation, and hope in the name of the Father, Son,

       and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Postlude                                                                                                       Joel Dizon


+ Indicates please stand, as you are able.

Note: The Covenant Renewal Service will be held next Sunday.             


                                                            + + +











Happy New Year to All

from the

Island Community of

Guam United Methodist Church















Ministers: All members of Guam United Methodist Church

Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Alfredo “Fred” Agtarap · ·  483.5182 (cell) ·  477.8357 (home)

Superintendent: The Rev. Woong-min Kim, Hawaii District ·   Bishop: The Rev. Mary Ann Swenson, Cal-Pac Annual Conf 

Guam United Methodist Church

Route 15 at Fadian Point Road, Mangilao




We are called to be Christ’s church in the world, growing and changing,

seeking always to be doers of the Word and not just hearers.


Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.















Welcome Visitors!

We are happy you are worshiping with us! Please take the time to fill out the welcome pad as it is passed in your row. If you need assistance for settling in and/or serving in a faith community, please feel free to contact the pastor or anyone of us.


PO Box 20279  ·  Barrigada GU 96921  ·  671.734.3251 (voice)  ·  671.734.5062 (fax)

church email:

church website:




Guam United Methodist Church * Route 15 and Fadian Point Road * Mangilao, Guam
Voice: 671.734.3251
Fax: 671.734.5062
Mailing address: PO Box 20279 * Barrigada GU 96921