December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
7:00 p.m..
Singing of Christmas Carols (suggestions from the congregation)
(people gathered in a reflective
Joel Dizon
+ Lighting
of the Christ Candle
The Agsalud Family
Family: We are reminded
that in the last four Sundays we lighted candles of Hope, Grace, Joy, and Peace.
Congregation: Tonight of Christmas Eve, we kneel with families all over the earth in the
presence of the Most High. The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness,
on them has light shined. And now, the candle of Love, Jesus the Christ.
(Christ[mas] light is lit)
+ Opening Hymn
to the World” UMH
+ Invocation
Debbie Wise
O Word of God incarnate, Light of the World, Abundant Life, be among your people
today. You came to call us to follow you and to live the abundant life you bring. May we know your presence on this Christmas
Day. Amen.
and Passing of the Peace
Pastor Fred
Choir Anthem
“Carol of the Drum” Chancel
“Do You Hear What I Hear”
A Time to Worship Through Our Offering
An Offering of Talent
+ Indicates please stand, as you are able.
+ Doxology for Christmas
Praise God whose dawn transfigures night,
Whose Daystar shines for us on high,
Whose Spirit brings into our sight
The hope which to our world draws nigh. Amen.
+ Offertory Prayer
Thank you, God of
love, for the promise of this season. We are grateful for the generosity aroused in us by Christ's coming into the world.
May these gifts represent a new spirit of joyous sharing among us, for the sake of all your children everywhere. Amen.
Scripture Lessons
Isaiah 9:2-7 (OT 815)
Debbie Wise
Luke 2:1-20 (NT 86)
The Word for the World Finally, Christmas!
Pastor Fred
+ Closing Hymn
“Silent Night” UMH #239
(please light your candle while we sing “Silent Night;”
you may also come forward to hang
your special Christmas offering on the tree)
+ Closing Prayer and Benediction
Pastor Fred
Joel Dizon
Join us for fellowship downstairs!
Welcome Visitors/Guests!
We are happy you are worshiping with us! Please take the time to
fill out the welcome pad as it is passed in your row. If you need assistance for settling in and/or serving in a faith community,
please feel free to contact the pastor or anyone of us.
Glory to God
in the Highest! |
Guam United Methodist Church
Route 15 at Fadian Point Road, Mangilao
We are called to be Christ’s church in the world, growing and changing,
seeking always to be doers of the Word and not just hearers.
PO Box 20279 · Barrigada
GU 96921 · 671.734.3251 (voice) · 671.734.5062 (fax)
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